Rayvanny – Africa (No Xenophobia)

Raymond Shaban Mwakyusa (born 22nd August 1993), better known by his stage name Rayvanny Expresses himself deeply hurt by the Xenophobic Killings in southafrica ,He calls for peace and unity on the African Continent on his latest song titled “Africa (No Xenophobia)“. In the spirit of oneness

This day is one like no other Its the day that we choose happiness and love Because will make sure it never ends We need serenity but not the storm Don’t use gun, no knife, no bomb Humanity should be something we own Don’t call me foreigner, Africa is my home Ooooh…ooooh  Ooooh…ooooh  Ooooh…ooooh  Africa Ooooh…ooooh  Ooooh…ooooh  Ooooh…ooooh  Africa You don’t realize  How badly you’ve been treated Until someone comes along And treats you the way you should be treated People say, waliking on water is a miracle But to me walking peacefully on earth’ Is the real miracle If we don’t end fight Then fight will end us Back in the days I remember Mandela said People learn to hate  And if they can learn to hate They can be taught to love Please say No to Xenophobia